Conveniences by Lao Skyway Terminal at LPQ
Check-in Services | Retail Stores | Flight Information Displays |
Baggage Drop | Airport Lounges | Boarding Gate Services |
Security Screening | VIP Services | In-Flight Entertainment |
Restaurants and Cafes | Wheelchair Assistance | Cabin Crew Assistance |
Currency Exchange | Family Services | Food and Beverage in-flight |
Lost and Found | Pet Services | Airline Loyalty Programs |
Duty-Free Shopping | Wifi Services | In-Flight Wi-Fi Services |
Customs and Immigration | Mobile Charging Stations | Baggage Carts/Trolleys |
Information Desks | Business Centers | Luggage Storage Facility |
Ground Transportation | Medical Facilities | Ticketing Counters |
Cancellations and Refunds | Self-service Check-ins | Information Counters/Desks |
Abstract of What terminal is Lao Skyway at LPQ?
Airport Name | Luang Prabang International Airport |
Airport Code | LPQ |
Terminal Arrivals | One Terminal |
Terminal Departures | One Terminal |
Airport Address | W529+C97, Phetsarat Rd, Luang Prabang, Laos |
Website | |
Status | Active |
IATA Code | LK |
ICAO Code | LLL |
Contact Number | N/A |
Instagram page | |
Facebook page | |
Twitter page | |
YouTube Page | |
Lao Skyway Luang Prabang International Airport (LPQ) Location Map
Need-to-Know FAQs
Lao Skyway uses the One Terminal at the Luang Prabang International Airport.
The One Terminal handles Lao Skyway arrivals at the Luang Prabang International Airport.
The terminal handles Lao Skyway departures at the Luang Prabang International Airport.
Facility to book, cancel, and manage flights, check-in, upgrade seats, avail of special assistance, unaccompanied minor service, etc, is available to passengers at the Lao Skyway’ terminal of the LPQ.
Yes, passengers can access wifi and the internet at the Lao Skyway terminal of the LPQ.